Friday, September 9, 2022

What It's Like To Be Deaf (the Good and the Challenges)


Here are five videos that share inspiration, insight, creativity, history and hurdles of the Deaf community.

The topic of ASL music videos came up at dinner the other night and I shared that I was really surprised how many ASL music videos are not on YouTube (yet).  

I even made a post about that called: 

ASL Music Videos for These Songs Don't Exist (or do they?)

That lead to more talk about a recent documentary I watched called Through Deaf Eyes. Don't worry it's linked in this post. And of coarse  that documentary lead me to others and down the rabbit hole I went. Lucky for you I picked out 5 that I think show a wide spectrum of what it's like to be Deaf (the good and the challenges).  

Let me know which one was most helpful for you and what I should add to it. Check these out:

How Do Deaf People Experience Music? | AJ+

Shaheem Sanchez is a Deaf dancer and instructor with his own method of feeling music's vibrations to learn a song.

It's a common misconception that Deaf people can't enjoy music. But there's actually a whole community of Deaf dancers and sign language music interpreters. Shaheem is also an instructor at ASL Music Camp, which is making music more accessible to the Deaf community. Note: When "deaf" is capitalized as "Deaf," it's referencing the Deaf community, an important and empowering distinction to those in the community.

How deaf people experience Beethoven's Ninth Symphony | Music Documentary

Using Beethoven's Ninth symphony as an example, Paul Whittaker, a deaf musician from Great Britain, shows us how deaf people can feel music. Together with the Mahler Chamber Orchestra (MCO), Whittaker is organizing a "Feel the Music" workshop in Barcelona, which allows deaf children to "listen" to music as part of the orchestra. In the evening, they enjoy a performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony at the Palau de la Música Catalana. Whittaker wants to encourage the children to feel the music and become active themselves. They learn that Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827) was also deaf at the end of his life and had to rely on his inner ear when he composed the Ninth Symphony.

Paul Whittaker has worked with the Mahler Chamber Orchestra (MCO) since 2013. He designed the "Feel the Music" workshop for deaf children, which has been given in 13 countries already. Just like the children, Whittaker has been deaf from birth. Yet against all odds, he studied music and learned to play the piano. As a pianist and organist, Paul Whittaker graduated from Wadham College in Oxford, founded "Music and the Deaf," a charity that helps deaf people learn to enjoy music, and worked on shows like "Les Miserables," "Cats," "The Phantom of the Opera," "West Side Story" or "My Fair Lady."

Deaf Gain - A Documentary Film

Through Deaf Eyes

Through Deaf Eyes explores almost 200 years of Deaf life in America and presents a broad range of perspectives on what it means to be deaf. The film is propelled by the stories of people, both eminent and ordinary, and sheds light on events that have shaped Deaf lives.

Deaf, Black And A Victim Of Police Brutality | AJ+

Pearl Pearson is a Deaf, Black man who survived a brutal beating by Oklahoma Highway Patrol in 2014. Not only were the troopers cleared of wrongdoing, but Pearl was also charged with resisting arrest. This is his story.

Three years later, Magdiel Sanchez was shot to death in his front yard in the same city. Though neighbors told officers that Magdiel was Deaf and couldn't hear their commands, they still shot him five times. The officers were cleared of wrongdoing, and the district attorney instead filed charges against the victim's family.

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